The one and only website for my political thought and my radio show, The Big Time Radio Show.


The Power Hour - 5/11/2008

Here is the pilot episode of "The Power Hour" with Andy Glazier and Dane Miller. Enjoy!

MP3 File

The Power Hour - 5/11/2008

Here is the pilot episode of "The Power Hour" with Andy Glazier and Dane Miller. Enjoy!


The Right Track - 7/8 Hour 2

Here is the second hour of "The Right Track" this week. This week's 'Top 5' included a commentary on Al Gore's son and Live Earth concert, a review of Rescue Dawn, a very intimate interview with Jill "Flirty Flipper" Vitale, the Fairness Doctrine, and of course, the pardoning of Scooter Libby. Enjoy! We're taking the next week off, but make sure to check back for the July 22 edition of "The Right Track!"


The Chautauqua has Moved...

For more intellectual thought from your faithful blogger, please start visiting The Right Track. Thanks for your support, and keep on rockin' in the free world!


Kirk Rundstrom

This past Tuesday The Wildcat 91.9 had a Tribute Show for Kirk Rundstrom of Split Lip Rayfield. To hear the show and learn more about Rundstrom, click here. It's worth it.


Chuck's Choice

Check out for your weekly music review authored by none other than your humble blogger. This week: The Lemonheads.


Busy, Busy, Busy...

A lot has happened in the past week. I've changed majors from secondary education to agricultural communications and journalism. I've dropped my radio show on Tuesday nights. Now you can check out The Big Time Radio Show every Tuesday afternoon from 3-5 for your best in rock and roll, alternative country, blues, and bluegrass. If you're not in town, you can listen live on the computer; just follow the simple instructions. I also quit the Collegian. I was fed up with the lack of intelligence the paper seemed to operate on, so I called it quits. Don't worry though. I'll still post some random political thought.

Have a good one.


Trump vs. O'Donnell

Here's my latest column. It takes a humorous look at the ridiculous feud between Rosie and Donald.